Now It’s easy to buy betta fish online from betta fish seller overseas. Because a lot of services support export, import and delivery live betta fish from sellers overseas to home betta lover in each country. Buyer can choose betta fish interested and direct contact to betta sellers.
Before see step buy betta fish online from oversea seller come to know fish transhipper. Fish transhipper is person have import license live fish. They will transport fishes from oversea sellers at airport and delivery fish to your doorstep. About service fee ask fish transhipper You want to use service.
Why need fish transhipper?
- Because direct send via ems from betta fish sellers each country transport long time. May be transport 15-30 days case send from very far country. And fish will die in bag within 7-12 days. But transhipper can support import and delivery fish to your doorstep with in 3-5 days after betta fish seller send them.
- Another thing, alive fish must have import license and if you are buyer and have not it. You can not import fish from overseas.
*** Cost shipping via ems from overseas country not cheap. Trans shipping by fish transhipper service cheaper, faster and safe.